I forgot to add the important and alway pertinant point in my earlier missive that stuff actually happened in National City, Ca that was worth writing about. When I arrived to the Customer about 10:30 pm I decided that my fat puffy trucker ass needed some excercise. So, I trooped up the road back to the freeway and explored the Trolley Museum and the old Depot from the outside. Then I walked the mean streets for awhile to the tune of about 2 miles. As I was walking along I noticed a guy sleeping behind a sign for an industrial complex. I noticed a rather distinct radio playing next to where he was sleeping. Fast forward to the next morning there is this guy knocking on my window bright and early asking me if I needed to hire a lumper to unload the truck. I said probably because my company is run by a cheap, inbred, jerk that doesn't pay a driver squat to do the same job. That is another story. Anyway, a Mexican roach coach pulls up, burritos made of lava like fire (good) are bought along with cups of awesome coffee and he breaks out a small transistor radio and turns it on. It is the same radio. I hire the guy and go on my merry way. When a homeless person wants to dig themselves out and pull themselves up, I am more than willing to help. I hate panhandlers. This guy would not let me buy him a burrito or coffee. Nothing. I can respect that.
On a licence plate belonging to a dog training school van...SITHAPNS.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Do Something Normal, No One Notices
I am trying to get my ugly mug on my myspace account. Now, I am a dinosaur compared to my children who are as savvy as fighter pilots when it comes to moving about the internet and setting up sites to their liking. I for some reason am not seeing success when I go to load the picture from my floppy. Either the computer freezes up because there is not enough wireless strength or something else is amiss. Either way, it sucks. So I have decided to go to drastic measures. I am going to take a picture of my ass and proceed with the loading process. I might even draw eyes and a big nose and try to use my butt crack in some cosmetic way. No, I really do not want my tookus on the internet. But, I figure that I will discover in some deranged way how to get a damn picture on the internet because sure as California air is full of cottage cheese like chunks of floating crap, If I do attempt to get my butt on the air as it were...I will end up backing into success. I just might have to endure some butthead jokes for a while. Please keep sending your donations of food and Prosac, I am grateful but never proud.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
OK, OK, Words At Long Last From Barstool
Barstow, California...where we would steal away while camping at Calico Ghost Town and buy beer or even stow away into a bar and sit and drink...thus the term, Barstool. I stopped and decided to while away some time by showering, eating fine cuisine (in-n-out), and entering some fine prose to my blog. I can see you are really friggin impressed at this point.
As I was well into my schedule like a well oiled machine on a mission should be, I get a call about an incident with the car and a deer. Car, dented, not in the ditch...Deer, dented, in the ditch...wife and stepson, shook up but ok. That is a relief when I am this far from home, there is no telling what I would do if something bad were to happen. I sure as hell would not be in this truck waiting for asshole bret to get me home...that is for sure.
I stopped in at the In N Out and had a burger and small Coke. Something is different though. I ordered grilled onions and I got grilled reconstituted onions and it made the burger taste like a White Castle. Gross.
As I was well into my schedule like a well oiled machine on a mission should be, I get a call about an incident with the car and a deer. Car, dented, not in the ditch...Deer, dented, in the ditch...wife and stepson, shook up but ok. That is a relief when I am this far from home, there is no telling what I would do if something bad were to happen. I sure as hell would not be in this truck waiting for asshole bret to get me home...that is for sure.
I stopped in at the In N Out and had a burger and small Coke. Something is different though. I ordered grilled onions and I got grilled reconstituted onions and it made the burger taste like a White Castle. Gross.
Bag O' Pictures
O Here Are Some More Pictures
Some Recent Pictures
I Just wanted to show the golden colors of some of the trees in Montana.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I Am In Utah Because I Just Have Nothing Else To Do
I know, I know...you have been just chomping at the bit, waiting for the next installment of Lets Torture The Driver. It is as though there has not been enough punishment for me in doing my job. Traffic, Weather, Lot Lizards, Lumpers, Ugly Toothless Hookers on Crack. It has not been enough to tempt my senses to actually react to stimuli. I am just bored I guess. So when I chose to take this mission, I knew that with out a doubt that there would be stimuli...Fire. Now there is something to talk about with the other coffee drinkers at the round table. I ask, "Joe, how are things for you buddy?" Joe replies: "Well, I got the crop outta the field and didn't break any equipment. I just wish I hadnta planted so much corn. Seems everyone planted corn this year and it kinda pushed the price down a bit." To which I reply: "Yeah, well I went to California and got burnt to a freaking crisp just so I would have something to talk about to you losers. Why don't you idiots just get a coffee maker? Save you a whole lotta money." Not exactly the conversation maker ya know?
My next frigging rant has to do of course with the losers at Jim Palmer Trucking. The first part is just a plain shame. I was talking to an owner operator yesterday at the Denver terminal who had recently had his truck burn to the ground in Temple, Texas. Seems that he had a blowout and before he could get it to the side it caught fire. He tried to fight it with the wimpy fire extinguisher but the unit ran out of juice before the fire was out and the flames were a dancin as they monster mashed their way onto the guys sleeper and sent the truck to Davey Jones Locker for trucks. I know just what you are thinking...Yeah, So? Trucks catch fire sometimes. The kicker was when this driver who had been with the company over 2 years without an incident, checked on his weekly settlement. It was being held from the driver because they wanted reimbursement for their Qualcomm unit which was on the truck. These jerks held money away from this guys wife and family so they could be paid first for their qualcomm unit. What heart from an asshole like Jim "I've Been There" Palmer and his band of merry butt whumpers. I think that if there were a natural disaster, It would be my hope that it hits Jimmy's house and that the insurance company hold out his payment for the damage in lieu of replacing the gas meter. I mean I am sure it would mean nothing to his wife as I'm sure she can hold her liquor with the best of us. Been there indeed.
The second installment of my surgical strike rant has to do with some mismanagement in regard my personal profile. Specifically, the part of my personal profile that lets the driver manager know my preferences in regard to where I like to run and how long I like to be out before going home. When I started, I had an interview with Bret and we discussed where I like to run and what I like to do and how long I like to be out. I spoke clearly without the hint of an Iranian accent when I said in plain English, "fourteen to twenty-one days, I have a wife and son at home." The first couple months went just fine with Bret frequently asking me if I wanted this load or that to get home. He even asked me at the 9 day mark if I wanted home time. That is how it went until June. I got into it with this penisless jerk named Dave. This mealy mouthed loser could screw up a wet dream and Jim Palmer in all his stupidity just loves this guy and will do nothing about him. He is also well known for doing things with drivers personal information and trip information. Manipulating the information for his benefit is what dickless Dave is well known for. He really is not the focus here, but he is my suspect in the situation. Anyway, I ended up all summer spending 35 days plus out on the road. I call Shane, and I tell him the situation and he checks my profile and notes to me that the entry said 4 to 6 weeks and that It must have been changed. I asked him to find out who could have done this and he did the typical snake act where he doesn't want to offend anyone. He actually got indignant, asking me why I wanted to dig all this shit up and why don't I just drop it and that he was getting angry. I replied that if a driver had manipulated personal information on this level that he would certainly be in range to be fired. He replied that would I want to fire someone over a simple mistake? It was no mistake...Brett was operating under his original entry and the entry was changed. This is how this loser has managed to last ten years at JPT. If your job requires you to pucker up your lips and what you are kissing tastes and smells like feces, then you are a loser. All the lies in the world told to truckers to smooth things out will do no good. If there is no substance to what you say and more so what you do then you are nothing. You are a loser Shane and everyone knows it. Been there indeed...
My next frigging rant has to do of course with the losers at Jim Palmer Trucking. The first part is just a plain shame. I was talking to an owner operator yesterday at the Denver terminal who had recently had his truck burn to the ground in Temple, Texas. Seems that he had a blowout and before he could get it to the side it caught fire. He tried to fight it with the wimpy fire extinguisher but the unit ran out of juice before the fire was out and the flames were a dancin as they monster mashed their way onto the guys sleeper and sent the truck to Davey Jones Locker for trucks. I know just what you are thinking...Yeah, So? Trucks catch fire sometimes. The kicker was when this driver who had been with the company over 2 years without an incident, checked on his weekly settlement. It was being held from the driver because they wanted reimbursement for their Qualcomm unit which was on the truck. These jerks held money away from this guys wife and family so they could be paid first for their qualcomm unit. What heart from an asshole like Jim "I've Been There" Palmer and his band of merry butt whumpers. I think that if there were a natural disaster, It would be my hope that it hits Jimmy's house and that the insurance company hold out his payment for the damage in lieu of replacing the gas meter. I mean I am sure it would mean nothing to his wife as I'm sure she can hold her liquor with the best of us. Been there indeed.
The second installment of my surgical strike rant has to do with some mismanagement in regard my personal profile. Specifically, the part of my personal profile that lets the driver manager know my preferences in regard to where I like to run and how long I like to be out before going home. When I started, I had an interview with Bret and we discussed where I like to run and what I like to do and how long I like to be out. I spoke clearly without the hint of an Iranian accent when I said in plain English, "fourteen to twenty-one days, I have a wife and son at home." The first couple months went just fine with Bret frequently asking me if I wanted this load or that to get home. He even asked me at the 9 day mark if I wanted home time. That is how it went until June. I got into it with this penisless jerk named Dave. This mealy mouthed loser could screw up a wet dream and Jim Palmer in all his stupidity just loves this guy and will do nothing about him. He is also well known for doing things with drivers personal information and trip information. Manipulating the information for his benefit is what dickless Dave is well known for. He really is not the focus here, but he is my suspect in the situation. Anyway, I ended up all summer spending 35 days plus out on the road. I call Shane, and I tell him the situation and he checks my profile and notes to me that the entry said 4 to 6 weeks and that It must have been changed. I asked him to find out who could have done this and he did the typical snake act where he doesn't want to offend anyone. He actually got indignant, asking me why I wanted to dig all this shit up and why don't I just drop it and that he was getting angry. I replied that if a driver had manipulated personal information on this level that he would certainly be in range to be fired. He replied that would I want to fire someone over a simple mistake? It was no mistake...Brett was operating under his original entry and the entry was changed. This is how this loser has managed to last ten years at JPT. If your job requires you to pucker up your lips and what you are kissing tastes and smells like feces, then you are a loser. All the lies in the world told to truckers to smooth things out will do no good. If there is no substance to what you say and more so what you do then you are nothing. You are a loser Shane and everyone knows it. Been there indeed...
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