Here I am at Buford, WY at the Buford Trading Post. The town has 2 people but get this. In all my years of trucking, they have always provided truckers with a nice flat parking area, they have wireless internet and usually this spot is just plain quiet compared to the Flying J. Exit 335 on I-80. The place has a neat A-frame look in the front and they take care of the facility.
On another note. I was sleeeping with the truck not running 58 degrees thank you. This truck comes in and parks in the huge lot right next to me and just leaves the truck running. Don't get me wrong, Dedication runs his truck when it is hot. Why, because Jim Palmer is just too unconvinced of the benefits of running an APU. It doesn't matter that he uses a bunk heater and in winter, my idle percentage is down to around 5 percent or less. I am hovering around 45 percent now thanks to some rather slow loads that I was given and I live in this truck and will be comfortable in it if there is no truckers lounge to go to. I mean this outfit isn't bad, but when they preach and preach about how you as a driver are to protect the company by not idling the truck and they can't even be bothered to provide a fan as part of the spec package, I just have a hard time seeing it through their eyes.
The Photos that you see above was taken yesterday morning in Iowa at a rest area. I am fat bellied and am trying to get as much excercise as my sedentary job will allow. While walking towards the back of the grassy knoll, watching for the dog doo, and such. There was this little view with this sort of shangri-la package for me and anyone else with the time to see.
Some people are just negative all the time and they get for the most part what they provide for others. Life is about the two wolves. First wolf represents all the good and positive things one can have in the world. The second wolf is all about the bad, evil, and negative things. There is a fight in every persons personal life between these two wolves. Which wolf will come out on top? Of course, the one you choose to feed. Be good, be kind, be wise. Dedication
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