Saturday, May 10, 2008

Limbo, It Just Never Ends

I am on my way to the great East Coast and it is a rather slow load...I call my good friend John Dean to let him know that there is a rendezvous location where we can sneak a beer in or to with some colorful conversation about cool subjects and fun times. I am pretty sure that breasts will come up at one point or another. Not really, I just added that because I thought it would throw some undetectable spin on this otherwise boring paragraph. Anyway, he is not answering for some unknown must involve breasts, I just know it.

The company is conducting some culling operations in the personnel department. There is a need to reduce the force somewhat and what better way than to fire a few assholes. Unfortunately, there managed to end up in the sieve, my good friend Tonio. What I know about Tony and his year here at the farm is not complete and it would not be fair to all parties to comment in depth about this. However, from my point of view, Tony will be missed by me in a black truck and we will keep in touch as friends do. Good luck as always, I will be pulling for you. And if I sent you one of those posters that show retards licking the windows on only the very shortest buses...I am sorry. You are friggin' special sunshine and don't let any Montana kiss ass inbreds tell you different. I just have to say, I am sorry lord and I know not where this stuff comes from. After it expels however, there is no wiping, it just flies out of me clean as a friggin' whistle.

The company is scaring the heck out of me lately. I was at Salina and 2 Palmers were fueling on TCH and were dismayed when their pumps shut off at 119 gallons and would go no further. No answer to that one. I am glad I fueled last night. There are problems with the EZPass, we have had "glitches" with the payroll. Now, I am not saying that I know of a specific problem with Jim Palmer...that is not my purpose here. I respect the fact that my checks have been accurate and Johnny on the spot. A lesser company would be feeling the turbulence much more however. I heard that TMC is feeling the heavy rolls lately. Good for those undercutting assholes, too.

Well, gotta go for now as I am getting groggy. Dedication:/

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some Days It Just Does Not Pay To Get Up

Actually, it was not really a bad day overall if you look long and hard at all of the hours of the day and come up with some sort of average. It was just the last 3 of the working day that were grating on my nerves. I had picked up in Minnesota and was on my way out of the state on I-35 when the clouds got a weird look to them and there was more intensity in the rain and the wind. I was heavy, so the wind really was not a factor, but, at the same time, I was aware that the weather was changing. Well, up ahead, not quite a mile, was this dark circular movement of clouds and debris. I watched this mass enter the south bound lanes and commented to my wife that perhaps it was a mile ahead. It was really a quarter mile and it hit and laid over a semi, blocking all southbound lanes. I sat there waiting for wreckers and found out that the driver was naturally shaken up but nonetheless, OK.

The wrecker rights the truck and lanes are opened...thirty miles south, the same thing happens with another delay. I decided to pull in and just call it a day. The added bonus is that I have some access. Cool beans.

Well, gotta go for now...Dedication:)